Substance use disorder treatment
Addiction touches everyone’s life at one time or another. Because it affects everyone differently, our skilled team of clinicians and caregivers develop individualized addiction treatment plans based on personalized, one-on-one encounters. We can help, and here’s how.
We develop individualized addiction treatment plans built around the unique needs of each person and the goals they set on their own personal path to recovery. Our integrated clinics are one of a kind in the North Country, and the range of treatment options can include:
- Therapy – for both addiction and mental health
- Peer support – Peers are individuals with lived experience certified to provide care and support
- Skill building – From socialization to job training
- Family services – From counseling to respite supports
- Job training and career development
- Transportation
- Replacement therapy – Suboxone, Vivitrol, Buprenorphine
Each of our specialized services are available for all ages: youth, adolescents and adults. Treatment plans often include an individual’s support network. If needed, it includes help rebuilding family or personal connections.
Prior to any treatment plan, an initial assessment is needed. Learn more about that here.
Whether it’s therapy or ongoing support, we provide the tools and resources essential to ongoing recovery. When it comes to recovery, your success is our success.
Learn more about how we can help and what to expect when you arrive at one of our clinics in the infographic below.

Need help navigating our addiction recovery services?
At Citizen Advocates, we work as a team to provide the best individual, person-centered services to the people we serve. Care coordination assists clients with identifying and accessing the services that will best address the problems they are experiencing. Our goal is to help them achieve a higher quality of life.
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