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Our impact, our responsibility & our response

Our position in the community gives us the ability and responsibility to drive progress and improve futures. We stand firm in our commitment to social and environmental initiatives, helping ensure that Citizen Advocates’ impact on our communities and the planet is always driven by our mission to make lives better.

We stand firmly committed to our four pillars of impact:

Purpose  •  People  •  Profession  •  Planet

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Purpose: Company Culture

Through our company culture, we are committed to sharing our best selves to achieve a workplace of belonging, engagement, and inspiration.
We support a culture where our workforce can be authentic, contribute freely, and take pride in being an integral part of our organization. We recognize that the culture in which we do our work directly impacts the quality of work we do and the communities we support.

We are working towards:
  • Infusing Citizen Advocates cultural beliefs and values throughout our performance review process.
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People: Inclusivity and Belonging

By focusing on inclusivity and belonging, we commit to translating inclusive ideals into real-world results.
We offer sessions on inclusivity and belonging during new employee orientation and as part of annual training.

We are working towards:
  • Establishing employee resource and affinity groups.
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Profession: Workforce Advocacy

Through our workforce advocacy, we will intentionally create opportunities that empower our workforce to sustain balanced lives.
Our workforce is our heartbeat and strength. At Citizen Advocates we are dedicated to supporting them as they support and advocate for others.

We are working towards:
  • Educating and supporting employees to access benefits and health screenings, as well as celebrating and rewarding longevity and high performance.
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Planet: Environmental Action

By focusing on environmental advocacy, we will transform our responsibility for sustainable and ethical business practices into education and action.
As we continue to operate and grow our organization, we are committed to minimizing our environmental impact through innovation to create value and build our competitive advantage.

We are working towards:
  • Advancing environmental sustainability through energy-efficient buildings, waste-reducing materials, and a modern, fuel-efficient vehicle fleet.

Our social impact stories

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