Citizen Advocates recently welcomed the newest member to its Board of Directors.
Dallas Sutton is a lifelong resident of the North Country and is currently the Business Banking, Regional Manager, for NBT Bank. His coverage area includes the Seaway, Northway, Greater Albany and Fulton/Montgomery regions. Born and raised in Ogdensburg, he attended Clarkson University for his undergraduate and graduate studies where he earned his Bachelor of Science in Marketing and Master of Business Administration degrees.

Mr. Sutton brings a deep financial perspective to the board, and as a resident of Ogdensburg, his ties to the community provide an important link to a new region in the Citizen Advocates service area. Citizen Advocates recently opened a Behavioral Health Urgent Care Center in Ogdensburg, with plans to open a similar facility in Watertown in early 2023.
“As a resident of St. Lawrence County, I’m keenly aware of the need our community has for mental health and addiction services,” said Mr. Sutton. “The addition of Citizen Advocates to the existing continuum of care in the community provides vital reinforcement in support of the whole health of individuals and families who are proud to call this region home.”
In addition to the financial sector, Mr. Sutton also sits on the boards of other key community organizations and institutions. He is a Board Member with the New York State United Way, Claxton Hepburn Medical Center and United Helpers Management Company. He is the Board Chairman of the St. Lawrence County Workforce Development Board.
The Citizen Advocates’ Board of Directors is comprised of community volunteers representing a wide range of professional backgrounds, who are directly responsible for the ongoing governance and sound fiscal stewardship of the agency.
In addition to Mr. Sutton, the Citizen Advocates Board of Directors includes Deanna Smith, Chair; Loretta Fowler, Secretary; Lori Tourville, Treasurer; and Brock Arnold.